It is important that all referrals are sent directly to Dr Sardelic. This allows the referral to be reviewed and assessed for the degree of urgency.
Your doctor may send the referral by fax / email / Medical Objects (a secure correspondence system between doctors).
Once the referral has been received by our staff, we will contact you to check the contact details are correct and notify you that we have received the referral.
We will also check whether you have had previous imaging or blood tests, and whether there are any upcoming investigations organised by your doctor. We will check whether you are a pensioner or Health Care Card holder , and whether you are covered by DVA or a private health fund.
Once the referral has been assessed and triaged, you will be contacted with an appointment.
Dr Sardelic may request you to have further investigations performed before he sees you. This is to ensure he has all the necessary information available to make his recommendation to you, and to prevent repeated appointments and unnecessary travel.
Further investigations which may be requested may include blood tests, ultrasounds, XRays or scans. Occasionally a biopsy may be recommended. Some investigations are best done in the major centres, such as Tamworth or Armidale.
Copies of those results will go to your referring doctor as well as Dr Sardelic. You will be contacted with those results, either by phone or by letter, unless your appointment is within the next week. Occasionally, those results may indicate a need to bring your appointment forward. You will be contacted with the new appointment details.
What to bring to the appointment?
- If you have one, a copy of the referral
- Any discs or films of relevant imaging - ultrasounds / XRays / scans
- Any relevant blood tests (if you have them)
- A completed Patient Information form
- Medicare / Pension / DVA / Health Insurance details
- An accurate list of your current medications and any allergies
- A list of any questions you may have about your condition or treatment
- You may wish to bring a relative or friend
Please let our staff know if you need an interpreter and our staff will organise this with the Telephone and Interpreter Service (TIS).